Santiago Media is an audiovisual project that emphasizes the concepts of "city and inertia" that are established in the city of Santiago de Chile, from this point and condition are configured and built coexistence dynamics associated with common spaces of large capitals but unique and particular of the city of Santiago. The basis of the project is ordered from sounds and images present and recurrent in everyday life in neuralgic points of the city, but because of their condition of mass, volume and continuous presence are not necessarily conscious by people in these spaces, rather they are naturalized. We collect and capture this material as a matrix for the composition and disposition of our work.
The lines of research contemplated in the project are based on a part in the resignification of our sound environment and establish the concept of sound landscape (R. Murray Shaffer) but as resignified acoustic environment. The visual that in general dominates our culture over the other senses (such as touch, taste, hearing) is treated in a similar and proportional way with the sound, in relation to balancing the discourse installed the concept of "audio-visual landscape" in the contemporary city.